Keeping the Faith
We finally made it to the movies, and got to see Keeping the Faith with Ben Stiller and Ed Norton, which was surprisingly enjoyable for a ‘romantic comedy’ (words which usually fill me with dread and make my hands shake at the ticket counter). Some good ‘deep’ bits, a fair few chuckles, and very amusing Karaoke scene (oh yeah it good, if you cheap bastad!)
Also good revenge motto somewhere in the middle of the film, but I can’t remember it…
conversation hell
I have done it and you have all done it – you know, starting that conversation that should never really have made it from your brain cells to your lips? Well, I had one of those conversations with George the other day. And it went something like this:
George: “Hey this bit in Bill Bryson about Superdrug being in every high street is so true.”
James: “Yeah, I suppose it’s a bit like Priceline over here, isn’t it?”
G: “Although don’t you think that Boots was always a bit better than Superdrug? Like, it had all the same things in, and it wasn’t that much more expensive and …”
J: “OK George, stop it now, you’re babbling.”
G: “Yes. Yes I am.”
Isn’t domestic life bliss?!!!