And this (slightly) new page?
And this (slightly) new page?
Well, it has been re-engineered to enable me to easily update while I travel (saving me some hefty emailing…), and I was bored with the other one.
Just off to the right are the only useful links – you can see the older trip pages, along with archives, old and new. And, attached to each post is a ‘comments’ link, where you can make comments, leave public messages, anything really. I suppose I will have to write interesting posts now, eh?
And a new page – reminiscences – which I will add to as things pop into my head about things I will miss, and things that I don’t want to forget that have happened in the past two years. And, in my old age, I am forgetting more and more…
So, enjoy, and follow the fairly regular updates as I make my way across the hemispheres.