September Site News

1 minute read

I guess I should also make a quick post to update on things happening with this site – not only am I back in the posting groove, but I have also got most of the rebuilding done…

If you can see in the small menubar above, skinnyphotos holds the new photo galleries section (almost formatted as I want it to be), based on the extremely uncomplicated but great zenphoto. Speaking of photos, the header of the page is now a rotating one, currently choosing from two of my headers and the default one, but I will be adding to the list over time. The theme for this site, MX4, comes from the fine folks who post their work at textgarden.

The archive page is now a full list of all entries since I started using automated ‘blog’ tools (first blogger, then moveabletype, and now textpattern), and you can also search all these posts using the search form to the left.

So, that’s it for now – refreshed, reorganized and with the photogallery I have been wanting to do for ages – who’da thunk it?