George’s Birthday — Karaoke Style!

1 minute read

Two posts in one night - I am in danger of getting carried away!

Saturday night was our celebration of George turning 30 - and what better way than by serenading each other with the background of dodgy videos and even dodgier lyrics at Imperial China, just off London’s ’not-as-nice-as-it-should-be’ Leicester Square? It’s a great venue for a group of people to spend the night in relative privacy and have your food and drink brought up to you, all the while being able to rock out to ‘Bat Out of Hell’ or camp it up to ‘Club Tropicana’.

Guess which one I did?

A fun night though - there was some great, and some awful, singing, and I got to play with my new wide angle lens on the camera, one that I am sure will get a good outing later.

And, just a word of warning. Even if the only place left to go onto afterwards is On Anon, don’t bother.

Just don’t!

Photos @ skinnyphoto